How Did I Start Carving | Alaska Wood Carvings

My First Sculpture

I grew up in small town in Minnesota located on Lake Pokegama where I quickly learned to appreciate the wonders of nature by fishing, hunting, and camping in the Northland.

While at home after the hunting and fishing season I would reflect my experiences a field by sketching wildlife such as deer, bears, eagles, fish, wolfs, and others.  At age 11 I went on my first trip to Alaska with my family and friends.  This was a special trip because I always wanted to see Alaskan wildlife up close.

On my first halibut fishing trip I observed a pod of Orca Whales about 15 of them swimming alongside the boat, and a few breaching humpbacks.  I had never seen anything as amazing.  I gained a new appreciation for God’s creation that day.  I then begin to put my imagination for whales on a sketchpad.  Though my sketching was enjoyable I lost my enthusiasm for artwork at age 16.

I still sketched on occasion but only once a year until our family had moved to Alaska later on in life.  I worked most of my childhood building custom log homes with my father.  Even though I did not share the enthusiasm for building logs homes that my father had, I still had learned the art of handling a chainsaw.

Later I met a guy who carved bears with a chainsaw.  I thought to myself at the time, “I know how to use a chainsaw, why not try to carve Alaska wildlife?”

A few wood chips later I had my first wood carving.  It was an Orca Whale wood carving 14 foot long and 3 ft thick.  Its still my largest wood carving to date.  I carved a few more wood sculptures, then I had a month to display my work at a popular coffee shop in Anchorage.

A couple from Wasilla, Ak was interested in my work and wanted me to carve a couple of bear carving for them.  These were my first custom sculpture orders.  I then started my custom sculpture and chainsaw carving business called Jordan’s Custom Sculptures.

In the past couple years I have carved many unique pieces for people to fit their needs.  I have done everything from bears holding custom signs, elaborate benches, to interior wall carvings.  From exterior landmark sculptures to community art projects.  Dog portraits, sealife carvings, and sports mascots, I have just about done it all.

I never imagined all of that but now “your immagination can become a beautiful reality,” at Jordan’s Custom Sculptures.